























Dr. G. Becher
Copyright 2008-2010
Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Kikowatz, A., Becher, G., Dietze, S., Steinhaeusser, W., Beck, E.:
Differential Ion Mobility Spectrometry:  Non-Invasive Real-Time Diagnostics and Therapy Control in Metabolic Diseases. Eur J Med Res 2009, 14 Suppl IV, 121-125.

Reinhold, Petra, Knobloch, Henri: Exhaled breath condensate: lessons learned from veterinary medicine. J. Breath Res. 4(2010) 017001.

Marek, E., Volke, J., Hawener, J.,Platen, P., Mückenhoff, K., Marek, W.: Measurements of lactate in exhaled breath condensate at rest and maximal exercise in young and healthy subjects.  J. Breath Res. 4 (2010) 017105.

Gessner, C, Rechner,B.,  Hammerschmidt, S., Kuhn, H., Hoheisel, G., Sack, U., Ruschpler, P., Wirtz, H.: Angiogenic markers in breath condensate identify non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer, 2009, Jul. 30.


ATS/ERS TASK FORCE: Exhaled breath condensate: methodological recommendations and unresolved questions. I. Horvath, J. Hunt and P.J. Barnes  on behalf of the ATS/ERS Task Force on Exhaled Breath Condensate:  Co-authors to the Task Force report: K. Alving, A. Antczak, E. Baraldi, G. Becher, W.J.C. van Beurden, M. Corradi, R. Dekhuijzen, R.A. Dweik, T. Dwyer, R. Effros, S. Erzurum, B Gaston, C. Gessner, A. Greening, L.P. Ho, J. Hohlfeld, Q. Jo¨bsis, D. Laskowski, S. Loukides, D. Marlin, P. Montuschi, A-C. Olin, A.E. Redington, P. Reinhold, E.L.J. van Rensen, I. Rubinstein, P. Silkoff, K. Toren, G. Vass, C. Vogelberg, H. Wirtz, Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 523–48.

ATS/ERS Recommendations for Standardized Procedures for the Online and Offline Measurement of Exhaled Lower Respiratory Nitric Oxide and  Nasal Nitric Oxide, 2005. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 171. pp 912–930, 2005.

ATS Workshop Proceedings: Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Nitric Oxide. Oxidative Metabolism in Exhaled Breath Condensate. Proc Am Thorac Soc Vol 3. pp 131–145, 2006.

Steiss, J O, Geidel, C., Strohner, P., Becher, G., Lindemann, H., Zimmer, K P: Therapieoptimierung von Omalizumab im Kindes- und Jugendalter - Auswirkungen auf die Gesamt-IgE-Konzentration.

(edited by Anton Amann (Innsbruck Medical University, Austria & ETH-Zürich, Switzerland) & David Smith (Keele University, UK) , World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., .May 2005,
ISBN: 978-981-256-284-5
(G.Becher et al.: Exhaled Breath Condensate  (EBC): An alternative or additional Diagnostic. pp. 422-427.)

Expert-Meeting “The breath analysis ABC(DE)of Propofol”; Juni 2008, Luebeck

G. Becher: Entzündungsmarker im Exhalat. in: Aerosole in der Inhalationstherapie. Hrsg.: Thomas Voshaar & Gerhard Scheuch, Dustri Verl. Dr. Karl Feistle, 2005, S. 122-130, ISBN 3-87185-361-5

E. Marek, K. Mückenhoff, H. J. Streckert, G. Becher, W. Marek: L-Lactate and H202 in Exhaled Breath Condensate at Rest and slight and middle severe Exercise. Pneumologie 2008; 62: 541-547

E. Marek, K. Mückenhoff, H.J. Streckert, G. Becher und W. Marek: Bestimmungen von L-Laktat im Atemkondensat in Ruhe so wie bei fahrradergometrischen Belastungsuntersuchungen.
Atemw.-Lungenkrkh., Jahrgang 34, Nr. 7/2008, S. 252–260.

H Knobloch; G Becher; M Decker; Petra Reinhold: Evaluation of H2O2 and pH in exhaled breath condensate samples: methodical and physiological aspects. Biomarkers, Volume 13, Issue 3, May 2008: 319 - 341.

Ch Schumann, K Triantafilou, S Krueger, V Hombach, M Triantafilou, G Becher, and P M Lepper: Detection of Erythropoietin in Exhaled Breath Condensate of NonHypoxic Subjects Using a Multiplex Bead Array. Mediators of Inflammation  Vol 2006, 1–5.

NM Grob, M Aytekin and R A Dweik: Biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate: a review of collection, processing and analysis. J. Breath Res. 2 (2008) 18pp.

Reinhold P, Langenberg A, Becher G, Rothe M: Breath condensate: a medium obtained by a non-invasive method for the detection of inflammation mediators of the lung. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 1999;112:254-259.

G. Becher, K. Winsel, E. Beck, G. Neubauer, E. Stresemann: Breath condensate as a method of noninvasive assessment of inflammation mediators from the lower airways. Pneumologie 51 (1997) Suppl 2 456-9.

Beck, E., Becher, G., Rothe, M., Heinze, R., Bodner, A.: ) NO and hydrogen peroxide in exhaled air in patients with COPD and healthy controls.  Eur.Resp.J. (1999) 14, Suppl. 30, 462s.

Becher, G., Beck, E., Rothe, M., Neubauer, G., Stresemann, E. : Sammlung von nichtgasförmigen Bestandteilen der Ausatemluft durch Ausfrieren. mt-Medizintechnik (1997) 117, 89-95.

Becher, G., Rothe, M., Stresemann, E., Beck, E., Falck, K. (1998) Bestimmung von Entzündungsparametern im Atemkondensat zur Früherkennung von Inhalationsschäden Schriftenreihe d. Bundesanst. f. Arbeitsschutz u. Arbeitsmed. (BAuA), Wirtschaftsverl. 1998, ISBN: 3-89701-091-7.

Becher, G., Winsel, K., Beck, E., Stresemann, E. : Leukotriene B4 in breathing condensate of patients with bronchopulmonary diseases and of normal patients Applied Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology (1995) 5, 215-219.

Becher, G.; Schlichthaar, R. Experiences in using exhaled breath condensate (EBC) in controlled clinical studies. American Thoracic Society International Conference Seattle, Poster (2003)

C. Lehmann, M. Rothe, G. Becher: Empfindliche Wasserstoffperoxid - Messung.
LABO,  Febr. 2004, 31-32.

A.R. Wewel, J.A.M. Crusius, U. Gatzemeier, M. Heckmayr, G. Becher, H. Magnussen, R.A. Jorres," and O. Holz: Time course of exhaled hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide during chemotherapy. Eur Respir J 2006; 27: 1033–1039.

LINUS PAULING*, ARTHUR B. ROBINSON*, ROY TERANISHIt, AND PAUL CARY*: Quantitative Analysis of Urine Vapor and Breath by Gas-Liquid Partition Chromatography. 
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 68, No. 10, pp. 2374-2376, October 1971

Veronika Ruzsanyi: Analyse flüchtiger Metaboliten von der Ausatemluft mittels Ionenmobilitätsspektrometer. Dissertation, Dortmund 2005.

William F.W. Merrick: Characterization of human expired breath by solid phase microextraction and analysis using gas chromatography - mass spectrometry and differential mobility spectrometry. Master Thesis, MIT 2005.

Helen K. Reddel, D. Robin Taylor, Eric D. Bateman, Louis-Philippe Boulet, Homer A. Boushey, William W. Busse, Thomas B. Casale, Pascal Chanez, Paul L. Enright, Peter G. Gibson, Johan C. de Jongste, Huib A. M. Kerstjens, Stephen C. Lazarus, Mark L. Levy, Paul M. O’Byrne, Martyn R. Partridge, Ian D. Pavord, Malcolm R. Sears, Peter J. Sterk, Stuart W. Stoloff, Sean D. Sullivan, Stanley J. Szefler, Mike D. Thomas, and Sally E. Wenzel on behalf of the American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Task Force on Asthma Control and Exacerbations: An Official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society Statement: Asthma Control and Exacerbations. Standardizing Endpoints for Clinical Asthma Trials and Clinical Practice. Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 180. pp 59–99, 2009.



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